1. What’s your favorite time of day to read? I usually read before bed... But that isn't my favorite time, it's just the most convenient. I really liked reading in the morning after my shower.
2. Do you read during breakfast? (Assuming you eat breakfast.) No. I am very clumsy and don't want to get breakfast on my books.
3. What’s your favorite breakfast food? (Noting that breakfast foods can be eaten any time of day.) I really love apples and cinnamon oatmeal. It's not the most glamorous breakfast food, but I love it.
4. How many hours a day would you say you read? Usually less than an hour. During readathons, I really try to focus. But with work 9 hours a day, making dinner, and hopefully spending some time with J, I just don't have a lot of time available for reading. I do try to read on my lunch break.
5. Do you read more or less now than you did, say, 10 years ago? Definitely more. Or at least I'm more consistent with my reading. Ten years ago, I was in college, so most of my reading was class assigned. I didn't have a lot of pleasure reading.
6. Do you consider yourself a speed reader? I definitely read faster than most people I know. So, I guess that makes me a speed reader.
7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To retain everything I read. I know, a pretty geeky superpower. But wouldn't it be awesome to have total recall?
8. Do you carry a book with you everywhere you go? Of course! And sometimes I even have two, just in case I finish the first one.
9. What KIND of book? Genre -- whatever. I am an equal opportunity reader at this point. Type -- Usually trade paperbacks or mass market paperbacks. Hard back books are murder on my purses.
10. How old were you when you got your first library card? I was probably in middle school. I have always frequented the library, but I can't remember if I had my own in elementary school or we just put books on my mom's card... I definitely had my very own in middle and high school.
11. What’s the oldest book you have in your collection? (Oldest physical copy? Longest in the collection? Oldest copyright?) Longest in collection -- The Awakening by Kate Chopin. Oldest copyright -- probably something by Jane Austen. Oldest physical copy -- possibly my copy of Contact (I'm not at home, so I can't check the book to make sure).
12. Do you read in bed? Yes. Although recently I have learned that trying to read science fiction (e.g. Heinlein) in bed is a bad idea. I really have to concentrate on his words and as I'm falling asleep is not a good time.
13. Do you write in your books? No way. They are too precious to write in. I do make notes in journals and of course on my blog. But I try not to write in books.
14. If you had one piece of advice to a new reader, what would it be? Don't be afraid to try new genres. It might just become your favorite.
15. What question have I NOT asked at BTT that you’d love me to ask? (Actually, leave the answer to this one in the comments on this post, huh? So I can find them when I need inspiration!) Sorry, I can't think of any today.