Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world?And, do you ever try to hide the covers?
As J can attest (and he thinks I'm crazy), I carry a book with me every where I go. Part of my purse buying requirements is that it has to be big enough for a trade paperback. I have a few "special occasion" purses that don't meet my requirement, but every other one does. I have to have my book. I feel naked without my book. I read everywhere. There's always that moment when you get stuck waiting for something and then panic sets in. What am I going to do? Never fear! I have a book to read!
As to the covers, I don't usually try to hide the covers. But I am slightly embarrassed by the ridiculous romance covers I see. I read romance, I like a little escapism now and again. But do they have to be the most awful covers? I don't think it's necessary. Laura over at Book Chick City published a great little rant about romance covers today. Read it Here. I completely agree with her on every point. I don't hide them but I do wish they were better looking...