Do you read books “meant” for other age groups? Adult books when you were a child; Young-Adult books now that you’re grown; Picture books just for kicks … You know … books not “meant” for you. Or do you pretty much stick to what’s written for people your age?
I hate the age categories. Instead of looking at these incredibly arbitrary distinctions, we should be looking at reading levels and interests. When I was in elementary school, those books that were deemed "age-appropriate" for me were way too easy and stupid. I started reading "teen" and "adult classic" books. And I turned out just fine. My teachers even encouraged me to read books above my age level. I like the reading level classifications for children's books. They give people a much better idea as to the strength of the vocabulary. But once a person gains enough vocabulary to read most things, why are we going to pigeon hole him or her into an arbitrary category? Don't
I pick up just about anything that looks interesting. I read picture books. I read independent readers (one of my favorite all time books is From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler). I read Young Adult. I read adult classics. I read pulp fiction. I read romance. I read science fiction. I read Christian fiction. I read horror. I read mystery. I read cook books. I read media related books. I read history books. I read textbooks (mostly to spot the inaccuracies). I read science books. Should I go on? My point is that age categories are crap. It's more about the quality of the book. Is it well-written? Does it sound interesting to you? Then read it.