Title: The Dark One (Vicious Lost Boys #2)
Author: Nikki St. Crowe
Publisher: Blackwell House 2022
Genre: Romance
Pages: 228
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Finishing the Series; Cover Lover - Skull
Where I Got It: Library
Spice Rating: 8
I spent most of my life feeling dead inside — until I met Peter Pan and the Lost Boys.
It wasn't until Pan and Neverland that I finally felt alive.
But things are not all full of magic and sunlight on the island. There's something darker and more sinister haunting the forest.
And worse, the fae queen and Captain Hook are ready to fight for control of Neverland and they will stop at nothing to get what they want.
War is brewing—can the Never King get his shadow back and assume his rightful throne? And if he does, where will I fit?
Or will all of Neverland be in jeopardy right along with my dark, twisted heart?
I wasn’t absolutely sold with the first book in this series, but thankfully the second one pulled me in more. We get more plot and characterization and less erotica scenes. Thank goodness! The first volume felt a bit more like reading a Penthouse letter than a good dark romance. We pivot to more of a focus on the increasing relationships between Winnie and the men and even between the men. We learn more about the islands and the shadows on the loose. I’m invested in this series now and cannot wait to see where it goes.
Vicious Lost Boys:
#2 The Dark One
#3 Their Vicious Darling
#4 The Fae Princes
Next up on the TBR pile: