Title: The Clackity (Blight Harbor #3)
Author: Lora Senf
Publisher: Atheneum 2024
Genre: MG Horror
Pages: 368
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges:
Where I Got It: Library
As summer comes to an end, Evie Von Rathe is determined to begin the search for her parents in earnest. Armed with her knowledge of the otherworldly, her mom’s violet glasses, and a pendant full of doors, Evie begins to piece together clues. When she realizes her mother’s bedtime story might be a roadmap to finding them, Evie follows it back to the Dark Sun Side.
But stories are funny things, and they change from one teller to the next.
The black nothing of the Radix is waiting, and it knows more than it’s ever let on. Evie will need every bit of courage she has for what’s coming. With Bird at her side, and maybe even a reluctant Lark as well, Evie has what she hopes is her last adventure under a purple sky.
A beautiful end to this trilogy. We get another great quest, along with appearances by all our favorite previous characters. I especially loved the scenes with the Story Thief, such an interesting character. Evie is on a mission to defeat The Clackity and rescue her parents. Will she make it? I bet you can guess the ending, but thankfully it’s the journey that’s the interesting part. Weaving the quest around the storybook added a fun element to the book. I really loved this entire trilogy. Apparently I dig middle grade horror.
Blight Harbor
#3 The Loneliest Place
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