Title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Author: J.K. Rowling
Publisher: Scholastic 2003
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Pages: 870
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: HP; My Years -- 2003
How I Got It: Own it! (in pretty hardcover no less)
This one is a reread for me. It's been awhile since I read the series. I remember reading the first couple of books out loud to the boys when they were infants. SO that's what, eight years ago? I read the last few books as they came out, but overall it's been awhile.
Instead of doing a traditional review, I thought I would just give you some of my reread thoughts. Things I noticed, things I loved, quotes I like, etc. And then I will have a mini review of movie vs. book.
Book fun:
Favorite scene: This is so tough... But I think I'm going to have to go with the big battle in the Ministry of Magic. The way it's written, I am right there in the thick of the action. I almost find myself ducking when spells are thrown.
Favorite character(s): I have a few for this book...
- Dolores Umbridge -- A great villain. In this case, we get a bureaucrat for a villain. I just want to smack her every time she coughs. Ugh!
- Luna Lovegood -- She's a great addition to the whole crew. I love her weirdness. And underneath she has a great way of looking at the world. I especially love her for helping Harry deal with Sirius' death.
- Fred and George Weasley -- They are still my favorite Weasleys. I love them every time they pop up. In this book, they get to be more than just the jokesters. Love them.
Other odds and ends:
- While I like the book, I think it's my least favorite of the series. There are so many story lines that it seems very schizophrenic at times. We are introduced to so many new characters (Grawp, Firenze and the centaurs, various Order of the Phoenix members) that I have a hard time connecting to all of them. I think this book could have used a bit more editing to condense some of those storylines.
- I cry every time I read the chapter at the end where Dumbledore finally lets Harry know about the prophecy and his plan. I want to yell right along with Harry at the beginning, but I'm always in tears by the end. Very powerful section of the book.
- I do love the comeuppance that Draco, Goyle, and Crabbe get on the train ride home.
Favorite quotes:
"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." -- Hermione to Ron (pg. 459)
Movie fun
My favorite scenes:
- The scene with Luna and the thestrals is just beautiful. I love their conversation among the Forbidden Forrest and the creatures. I especially love the addition of Luna's lost shoes.
- As edited at the final battle is, it's still amazing looking. I especially loved Lucius and Bellatrix, very sinister. And the falling of the shelves is just a gorgeous bit of movie magic.
Things I wished to see, but didn't:
- More of Fred and George -- They're just amazing
Other odds and ends:
- Imelda Staunton as Dolores Umbridge is delicious casting. She is down right evil.
- The wall of educational decrees is an inspired bit of set dressing.
- They kept my favorite line from the book in the movie. Hee hee!
- It makes much more sense to have Cho faultlessly out the Dumbledore Army. It does help edit the various story lines and characters.
Harry Potter: