Title: Macbeth
Author: William Shakespeare
Genre: Classic Play
Pages: 204 (Cliffsnotes complete edition)
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Shakespeare; Support Your Local Library
This is only my second time reading Macbeth; the first time was way back at the beginning of college. In review the play, I think it has grown on me. The political intrigue and psychological elements have become favorites. I really enkoyed tracing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's gradual downfalls. Lady started out cold and merciless and eventual commits suicide over her guilt. Macbeth starts with guilt and gradually grows more cold and calculating. I love seeing the resversal of roles. I find it fascinating how many people suspect Macbeth of Duncan's murder and yet fail to do anything until the very end of the play. I really emjoyed this one. Can't wait until next month's selection: Henry V (new read for me)