Listening To: Giant iPod shuffle, but especially Gotye "Somebody That I Used to Know." I really need to get that album.
Book finished: A Gentleman Always Remembers by Candace Camp, An Affair Without End by Candace Camp, The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore
Reading: Sunshine by Robin McKinley
Making Lists: Grocery lists (an every week occurence), Stampin' Up wishlists (I want the entire catalog!)
Around the house: Trying to clean my crafting mess.... See it's just exploded everywhere. Part of the issue is that I don't have a dedicated area for crafting. Everything gets thrown into bins in the theater and if I want to craft, I have to drag everything upstairs and use half of the dining room table. We need a new system.
From the kitchen: Freezer meals! I finally did it! I bought a few books off Amazon, bought tons of meat, and made a ton of food (enough to fill most of the freezer). The hope is to ease the burden of cooking when I get home from work. Now I just have to defrost something in the morning and reheat at night... Loving this idea! So far, I made breakfast burritos (2 minutes in the microwave to eat), Honey Soy Pork Chops, Italian Beef for sandwiches, and Salsa Shredded Beef for tacos.
On the Web: Blog stalking.... Reading past posts of some of the blogs I follow now. I love getting to know other bloggers. I really need to do better with starting a conversation instead of just stalking.
Crafting: Stampin' Up club this week. We made some pretty Valentine's/spring cards. I wonder who will get these? And I made more bookmarks and some upcoming Birthday cards.
Work Observations: People are slobs! I had kp duty this week. Yup, we have kitchen duty rotations. I am disgusted at people leaving food, crumbs, dirty dishes around the break room. This isn't your house and I'm not your mom! So annoying!
Watching: Continuing with Stargate SG-1 Season 1. J has me hooked! Good thing he has the entire series on dvd and Stargate Atlantis on dvd. Rented Cowboys versus Aliens. Not amazing, but not as bad as everyone said. More James Bond movies for my Day Zero Project. We're over halfway through now!
Wondering: Why do the majority of people in Omaha feel the need to go 5-10 miles under the speed limit? It baffles my mind.
From Nature: Snow on the ground and cold temperatures. I think it's finally winter. After the 50 degree temps in January. the cold actually feels like we're back to normal. I could do without the just-because-there-is-snow-on-the-ground-I-must-drive-like-an-idiot people.
Shopping Scores: A friend took me to her favorite thrift store in town. They were having a huge Super Bowl sale with pieces up to 50% off. I found this amazing brown leather jacket for $25, a cute riding style jacket for $11, and a crazy blouse for $11. The store is an interesting mix of trendy pieces and old lady clothes. They even have high end handbags (my weakness!). I will definitely have to check it out again.
I also bought a few Heartsy (Groupon for Etsy) deals. I'll show them off when the pieces arrive... Some of them might even end up in my big birthday month giveaway (coming March 1st!).
Project: J and I decided to do a spring break road trip with the boys. We're going to pick them up in Indiana and then travel to Dayton, OH (Air Force Museum), Hershey, PA (Chocolate World, of course), Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh before returning to Indiana. So, I'm trip planning this week. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to trip planning. I love making itineraries and booking hotel rooms. So far, I've booked us at the Red Caboose Motel near Hershey. We get to stay in real cabooses!! Alex is going to love that! I'm exploring bed and breakfasts in the Philadelphia area... More plans cemented soon!