On my bedside table: Um… I have a ton of library checkouts, but not sure what I want to read next. I’m deep into a historical fiction right now.
On my tv this week: J and I mostly caught up on a ton of the Dropout shows.
Listening to: I’ve gotten back into a ton of my podcasts including Magic Tavern, 99PI, Nerdette, Nothing is Real, and You’re Wrong About.
On the menu for this week:
Monday - Peanut Sauce Chicken Bowls
Tuesday - Shrimp Lo Mein
Wednesday - Chicken and Noodles
Thursday - Smoked Sausage and Potatoes
Friday - Thai Red Curry
Saturday - Quentin Pick
Sunday - Pot Roast
On my to do list: I’m certain many things, but the only thing I can think of right now is making a meal plan and grocery list.
Happening this week:
Monday - Home day
Tuesday - Home day
Wednesday - Joslyn Art Explorers
Thursday - Academic Co-op
Friday - Platte River Hike
Saturday - Arthur at a Friend’s Birthday Sleepover
Sunday - Home day
What I am creating: Yesterday I finished my September Memory Planner. Today, I’m hoping to work on my October Memory Planner pages. Crafting a bit is really helping me be calm.
My simple pleasures: Pumpkin pie syrup in my creamer for an extra special coffee
Looking around the house: Meh. I’m in the middle of a big kitchen cleanout, so there are piles everywhere in there. The island is full of half eaten snacks and everyone has been instructed to not open anything new…
From the camera: Fascinating gypsum sand crystals from Morrill Hall