Title: The Walking Dead: Book Three
Author: Robert Kirkman
Publisher: Image Comics 2010
Genre: Graphic Novel; Zombies
Pages: 304
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novels
How I Got It: borrowed from library
This hardcover features another 12 issues of the hit series along with the cover art - all in one oversized hardcover volume. Perfect for long time fans, new readers and anyone interested in reading a zombie movie on paper that never ends.
Another winner. I just love this series. It hasn't topped Fables, but it's a close second as my favorite graphic novel series. Every page is horrifying, even if you don't see any zombies. The ever-present danger and unease comes through. As much as I love zombies, I don't want to live in world of The Walking Dead. I will pass, thank you very much. We finally get to meet The Governor. I've heard bits and pieces from other readers and fans of the television series (speaking of it start's this weekend!). He is just as interesting and dangerous as I heard. I love the ending (or is it?) for his character. Plus we get see more of Glenn, Michonne, and Rick. And we get to meet some new survivors. I loved Dr. Stevens. The zombie attacks were horrifying. The quiet moments were filled with unease. The confrontations were high tension. All the aspects of the series that I have grown to love. Can't wait for the next book.