Title: The Boys Vol 3: Good for the Soul
Author: Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson
Publisher: Dynamite 2008
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 192
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novels
How I Got It: J owns it
In a world where costumed heroes soar through the sky and masked vigilantes prowl the night, someone's got to make sure the "supes" don't get out of line. And someone will. Billy Butcher, Wee Hughies, Mother's Milk, The Frenchman and the Female are The Boys: a CIA-backed team of very dangerous people, each one dedicated to the struggle against the most dangerous force on Earth-superpower. Some superheroes have to be watched. Some have to be controlled. And some of them-sometimes need to be taken out of the picture. That's when you call in The Boys. This volume collects issues 15-22 of the Boys by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.
More politics, more intrigue, more violence, and a little bit of romance! Perfect volume to add to the collection. We get to see Hughie and Annie's first steps into dare I say it, a relationship. But they don't know who each other is! The reveal will have to be amazing. We get to hear from Legend about the history of the superheroes and Vought-American. Very interesting stuff in there. It even parallels our real history. And did I mention, we get zombies! Yup two superhero zombies... I love this series.
The Boys: