Title: Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
Author: Max Brallier
Publisher: Gallery Books 2011
Genre: Zombie
Pages: 384
Rating: 5/5 stars
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Inside these pages lies unspeakable horror. Bloodsplattering, brain-impaling, flesh-devouring horror. You’ve probably read your fair share of zombie stories. But this time it’s different. No longer can you sit idle as a bunch of fools make all the wrong moves. All hell is about to break loose—and YOU have a say in humanity’s survival. You have choices to make. Moral dilemmas. Strategic decisions. Weapons. Vehicles. Will you be a hero? Or will you cover your own ass at all costs? Can you withstand the coming hours, days, weeks, and months? Or will you die amidst the chaos and violence of a zombie uprising? Or, worst of all, will you become one of them?
A zombie choose your own adventure book? I am so there! And I'm glad I picked this one up. It was a fun romp through the classic zombie movie premise. A outbreak has occurred. You don't know how or why, but it's happening. You find out while at work in Manhattan. Now you have choices to make. The first one, take a taxi, run, or go back to your apartment. How are you going to survive?
I read through an adventure once and ended up stuck on Liberty Island. I read through it again and was killed fairly early on. Turns out I'm not this great at surviving in the book. But hopefully I could survive the zombie apocalypse better in real life. A definite pick for the zombie fans out there! I won't give away any more spoilers, but go and read it!