For the first time in a few weeks, I woke up, showered, and dressed early enough to head down to the farmer's market. Have I told you how amazing my local market is? It is gorgeous! It's only two blocks down the street on historic Murphy Street.
My first stop is always the front stalls off of Evelyn. I never remember to pay attention to the names of the farms but one sells a ton of yummy cheap vegetables and the other one has yummy cheap fruits. Unfortunately peaches and nectarines are going out of season and bit too mushy and sweet for my tastes. The veggie stand had some great looking zucchini for a great price. I snapped some up!
That was all I was going for, zucchini. But like usual, I always find something else enticing at the market. This time it was apples! Throughout the summer, a stall or two have had apples, but they've been puny and I imagine extremely tart. I have been waiting for apple season and it has finally arrived. I was strolling towards the coffeehouse when a man thrust a sample apple slice in my face. I tried it and oh my! The perfect blend of sweet and tart and crisp. I had to stop and grabbed me some apples.
Armed with zucchinis and apples, I sauntered down the block suddenly craving a croissant or a quiche. My favorite bakery has a stall just at the end of the block. Along the way I always pass some bountiful flower stalls. I am sometimes tempted to buy some, but my black thumb halts me. Oh well...
Along the way, I passed the Taverna Bistro. J and I ate dinner there for the first time last night. A wonderful little Mediterranean restaurant. Their hummus was to die for and the lamb kebabs were scrumptious. I made it to the end of the block. Thankfully my bakery had a ham and cheese quiche, chocolate croissant, and apple turnover left. I snapped those up. Finally I grabbed a mango strawberry smoothie from the coffeehouse and returned home with my bounty. Until next week!