Title: Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It
Editors: Lynne M. Thomas and Tara O'Shea
Publisher: Mad Norwegian Press 2010
Genre: Media commentary
Pages: 186
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Nerdy Nonfiction - Music, Film TV; Women Authors; TBR Pile; 52 Books - W6
How I Got It: I own It, Christmas present
In Chicks Digs Time Lords, a host of award-winning female novelists, academics and actresses come together to celebrate the phenomenon that is Doctor Who, discuss their inventive involvement with the show's fandom and examine why they adore the series. These essays will delight male and female readers alike by delving into the extraordinary aspects of being a female Doctor Who enthusiast.
An amazing Christmas present from J's parents. Overall this was a great collection of essays discussing Doctor Who. I was expecting lots of critical essays, but it was little lite on those. The volume did include a ton of "How I came to Who" essays. Those were interesting. But my favorites were the few gender critical essays. Those are my bread and butter. "Adventures in Ocean-Crossing, Margin-Skating and Feminist-Engagement with Doctor Who" by Helen Kang was hands-down my fave, mostly because Kang discussed all the reasons why I love Donna Noble. I want to read more...