Title: Chocolate: A Healthy Passion
Author: Shara Aaron and Monica Bearden
Publisher: Prometheus Books 2008
Genre: Nonfiction -- Food
Pages: 213
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Mixing It Up -- Food; Fall into Reading; Color Coded -- Brown
How I Got It: Library Loan
The world loves chocolate and chances are, with the majority of the population saying their favorite flavor is chocolate, you do too. This enjoyable book will serve to deepen, not only your love, but also your understanding of chocolate.Some may think that chocolate is simply a treat, something that satisfies a sweet tooth. After reading this truly pleasurable and educational account by two leading nutritionists, you will agree that chocolate is much more than that. You will discover it encompasses a culture, a cuisine, a treatment, and much more!
I went to the library to grab some food related book to finish my challenge. At first I was thinking food travel memoir or a bio of a great chef, but then I spied this gem on the shelf. A book about chocolate? How could I resist? While it does contain a fair amount of recipes involving chocolate, by favorite sections was all about the history and spread of chocolate. I knew about the Aztecs and Mayans enjoying an ancient version of hot chocolate, but loved hearing more about its place in their cultures. Although less enjoyable, I still found the detailed process of making chocolate interesting. If I was a better and more patient cook, I would totally try these recipes. As it is, I did enjoy a nice cup of raspberry hot chocolate while reading.
And with this book, I have now completed the Mixing It Up Reading Challenge! Woohoo!