As I look outside my window: It's super dark... Writing this late Saturday night after watching the newest Star Trek movie.
Right now I am: Thinking about getting a cookie...
Thinking and pondering: So much to do and so little time. Which task to tackle first?
On my bedside table: I went a little crazy at the library again and checked out the entire Dorothy Must Die series plus some comics (21st Century Tank Girl; Doctor Who).
On my tv this week: Arthur and I have continued our watching of Avatar. We made it into Season 3.
Listening to: Lots of podcast as I craft and clean. Plus, I've made it a point to listen to NPR's Up First while drinking my morning coffee.
On the menu for this week:
- Monday - Leftovers
- Tuesday - Sesame Tofu
- Wednesday - Potato Bacon Casserole
- Thursday - ???
- Friday - ???
- Saturday - ???
- Sunday - ???
On my to do list: So so much... Too much to actually list out here.
Happening this week: We are planning on heading to Children's Fairyland in Oakland on Thursday. And stamp club is on Saturday morning. Otherwise we don't have any definite plans.
What I am creating: I need to finish out my retiring product cards and the May SSINK cards so I can play with the new stuff!
My simple pleasures: Cold brew coffee. I'm too lazy to make my own, but I bought some at the grocery store and it was delicious when the temps were high this past week.
Looking around the house: The playroom and crafting areas are due for a serious cleaning and organizing.
From the camera: Silly lounging baby