Likes: Arthur, snuggles, milk, playtime, being outside
Dislikes: Being cold, feeling sick, not being able to roll over
Brothers playing
Sleeping: Ugh! We had a few great nights of 6-8 hour stretches. And now we're back to 5 hours at the longest. Daytime naps aren't very good either. Somedays he only sleeps in 30-40 minute stretches. I was looking at a sleep chart the other day and according to the chart, Q is 9-12 months old. He's awake for 3-4 hours between naps and only naps for 45-60 minutes at a time. My goodness Q, act like a 3 month old please.
Posing with his new baby
Mid-clothing change pose
Eating: We're up to 6 ounce bottles consistently. And he loves to watch me eat. Somehow I don't think we're going to make it to 6 months before his first taste of real food.
Such stares
Playing: Slowly discovering toys. He really likes the playmat now, but not tummy time. He tries to grab toys and is sometimes successful! Currently his favorite "toy" is his little blankies. Lots of chewing on them.
Such a cutie
Milestones: Rolling over a few times. Just like Arthur, Q's starting back to tummy instead of the usual tummy to back. He's also talking a lot more and focusing on objects and people for longer amounts of time.
Hanging with Great Grandma
Playing with big brother
Schedule: We're starting to settle into some sort of schedule. He's usually up for the day around 6 or 7am. About three hours later, he takes a nap. Then there's a little nap after lunch and another around dinner time. Q goes down in his crib around 9:30pm. We tried putting him down the same time as Arthur (8pm) but found that Q needed a bit of downtime before going to bed.
Twinning with Miss Stacey
Santa baby
Out and About: Q is officially a traveler! Unfortunately he's also earned his poo on an airplane merit badge. Not fun for mommy... Other than plane travel, we've his the grocery store and Target since being home. He also accompanied mommy to her stamp class. And charmed the pants off of all the ladies.
Check out that smirk