From Seasons of Reading:
Well, the holidays are behind us and we are now in a new year. Goodbye, 2016! Now it's time for some winter's respite and recovery. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you much health and prosperity this new year!
This is the official sign up for A Winter's Respite Readathon! Dates are January 16 - 29, starting at 12:00am Monday the 16th, and ending at 11:59pm on Sunday the 29th. Times are central standard time so adjust your times accordingly. Yes, the readathon is now two weeks long! I, for one, am pretty excited about that!
Of course, like most readathons, the books read must be novels or novellas, adult or young adult are fine, and you can read children's books too (as long as you do read some novels too). Note: Non-Fiction is also okay! You DO NOT have to participate the entire two weeks. Join in when you can, start in the middle, end early...whatever works best for your schedule. As with all of my readathons, it will be a time for relaxed reading during which we can personally challenge ourselves and whittle away our ever looming TBR piles/shelves/libraries.
Guidelines for the readathon can be found HERE or you can access in the tab at the top of the blog. Any information you need about the readathon can be found there. Please do be sure to check the guidelines to make sure you're following along correctly. There are specific rules regarding signing up and wrapping up, especially in regards to the giveaway. Also, regarding the giveaway, I'll be again adding a Google form to capture names and email addresses so if you're interested in winning a prize (and you've met the sign up and wrap up criteria), I will ask you to fill in that form which will be located on the prize page.
I will not be hosting any mini-challenges. However, if anyone else would like to host a mini-challenge or giveaway, you are more than welcome. I am also looking for prize donations so if anyone would like to contribute, let me know. Authors, this is a great way to promote your book! (Contact me using the contact form above).
Our hashtag is #WintersRespite Also, don't forget about our Facebook group. You can access via the tab at the top of the blog.
I need a good readathon to get to kick my January reading into gear. I think this is just the ticket.
- Read 4 books/1200 pages
- Review all books read
- Finish at least two in progress books
- Finish Buffering by Hannah Hart
- Finish The Bargain by Jane Ashford
- Finish Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
- A Poisoned Season by Tasha Alexander
- The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett
- A Flaw in the Blood by Stephanie Barron