Because there are two movies, I tend to think about this book in two parts. So I am splitting my review into two parts corresponding with the break in movies. Part 2 covers pages 503-759 of the hardcover edition.
Title: Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows
Author: J.K. Rowling
Publisher: Scholastic 2007
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Pages: 759
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: HP
How I Got It: Own it! (in pretty hardcover no less)
This one is a reread for me. It's been awhile since I read the series. I remember reading the first couple of books out loud to the boys when they were infants. SO that's what, eight years ago? I read the last few books as they came out, but overall it's been awhile.
Instead of doing a traditional review, I thought I would just give you some of my reread thoughts. Things I noticed, things I loved, quotes I like, etc. And then I will have a mini review of movie vs. book.
Book fun
Favorite scenes:
- Break-in at Gringotts -- This entire scene feels like an amusement park ride complete with scary dragon.
- Harry standing up for Professor McGonagall -- Such a small gesture, but beautiful.
- The entire last 100 pages of the book -- Of course. Amazing. Heartbreaking. Satisfying.
Favorite character(s):
- Neville Longbottom -- Who knew the scrawny kid in the first year would eventually land the killing blow to Nagini and stand up to all of the Death Eaters.
Other odds and ends:
- The story of Ariana's death is just heartbreaking. That story alone explains so much about Dumbledore and his regrets.
- Along the same lines, Helena Ravenclaw's story involving the Bloody Baron also breaks my heart.
- Snape's memories feel like a stopping in the story although I understand why they are there and that they set up Harry is truly understand what he needs to do.
- I loved that Draco gets a semi-redemption in the end.
- I burst into tears not when Fred, Remus, and Tonks died, but when the ghosts appear in the forrest. Ugh! I bawled for pages afterwards.
- I still think I could have done without the epilogue...
Favorite quotes:
"Because," said Harry before Hermione could answer, "sometimes you've got to think about more than your own safety! Sometimes you've got to think about the greater good!" (pg. 568)
"Hallows," murmured Dumbledore, "not Horcruxes, Precisely." (pg. 713)
"It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprose that they wear it well." (Dumbledore pg. 718)
"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" (Mrs. Weasley pg. 736)
Movie fun Part 2
My favorite scenes:
- Inside the Lestrange vault. The multiplying treasure is just gorgeous to watch.
- At much as I like the ending battle scenes, they are very different than the book's versions.
Things I wished to see, but didn't:
- Some of the little moments in the book that just aren't there.
Other odds and ends:
- The opening shot of the dementors surrounding the castle and Snape standing in the window is breathtaking. Beautifully shot.
- I love the conversation between Griphook and Harry at the cottage. Griphook has the right mix of contempt and curiosity.
- The dead Gringott's employees was a bit of a weird addition.
- Loved the little before the battle moments of preparation, especially Mrs. Weasley and McGonagall calling forth the statues.
Harry Potter: