Book finished: Persepolis 1; Persepolis 2; Sandman Vol. 4; Sandman Vol. 5; Adrianna's Fairy Tales; Rebel Angels; Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher
Reading: Mythology by Edith Hamilton
On the Nightstand: Rest of the Vampire Academy series; A Sweet Far Thing; Hater and Dog Blood by David Moody
MakingLists: The usual... grocery, general to-dos
Listening To: New music borrowed from the library. Alkaline Trio, Howie Day, Coldplay, Brandon Flowers, and Glee Soundtracks
Around the house: My goodness we have a mess in this house. There's just living bits everywhere. Thankfully I started on the cleaning. It's getting better slowly.
Farmer's Market Finds: A quick visit had me snapping up some beautiful nectarines, a ham and cheese croissant, and a blueberry custard danish. On the way back to the house, I finally visited the other coffee house on Murphy Street for a peach smoothie.
Watching: Way too many episodes of Mythbusters (the boys' favorite show right now)
Wondering: How am I going to participate in Once Upon a Readathon this week with everything going on?
Shopping Scores: I found a cute summery top on the Target clearance rack. Only $6, I couldn't resist.
Project: I took on two crazy large projects this week. I am going back through my blog fixing broken links (mostly images). And I started to go through my various TBR lists (computer and notebook) to consolidate. I might just be crazy this week.