Listening To: Alt Nation driving across the country. That goodness for sateillite radio!
Book finished: The Radleys; Allison Hewitt is Trapped; The Picture of Dorian Gray; Bad Doings and Big Ideas
Reading: The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane
MakingLists: Summer camp options for the boys. Sunnyvale has so many great looking ones. I hope the boys enjoy their camps!
Around the house: Unpacking, of course. It is still a disaster zone, but slowly some of the rooms are coming together. Master bedroom is basically done. Boys room is almost done. Kitchen, office, and living room to go. Of course those are the hard ones to finish...
From the kitchen: Nothing exciting. Trying to cook around the mess is difficult.
On the Web: We don't have internet in the apartment yet, so I haven't really been online much this past week. I did spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ikea's website sitting in the coffeehouse (1 1/2 away from the apartment!) reseraching desks. I get a desk! Finally! Now I just have to pick one.
Weekly Quote: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." -- Dory from Finding Nemo (I know I repeat, but it just seemed so appropriate!)
Crafting: Nothing until I get a desk in the office.
Work Observations: None until I get a job
Watching: Nothing until we get the server and theater up and running
Wondering: Where I put those canvas bins? I really want to find those soon...
From Nature: North California weather = perfection!
Shopping Scores: I found some great trainers for all the walking I plan on doing around Sunnyvale. After trying on about 10 different pairs, I finally settled on two paris of Dr. Scholl's. I feel like I'm 50 with these, but they're incredibly comfy and pretty cute. I'm enjoying them.
Project: Unpacking the house...