Listening To: Just my giant iPod shuffle. Nothing specific, going where the shuffle takes me.
Book finished: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Macbeth; Doctor Who: Through Time and Space; The Year of Living Biblically
Reading: You are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay
Making Lists: Getting my birthday month prizes ready for my first ever blog giveaway (check back on March 1st!)
Around the house: Does anyone else get this great feeling when all the towels and sheets have been washed and put back in their place? I do. I love that clean and orderly feeling.
From the kitchen: I was going to bake some muffins this weekend, but it seems we don't have any room in the freezer to store them. So baking will be next weekend. We are slowly working through our freezer meals and I have to say I love it. I don't have to think as much about dinner. We just eat whatever I pull from the freezer the night before. Speaking of... I need to pull something out as soon as I finish this post.
On the Web: I'm feeling the temptation of Pinterest... It's calling my name. But I know that if I join, it will turn into a new time-sucker. I must resist.
Weekly Quote: I absolutely adore my Quote Wednesday post from Persuasion by Jane Austen.
Crafting: Absolutely none. I was going finish my Disney scrapbook, but needed to get my blog in order for March. Hopefully next weekend.
Work Observations: How can people use this many supplies in a week? Are they eating them instead of their lunch? Sometimes I really wonder.
Watching: More Bond (we're on to Timothy Dalton) and Stargate. The server went down a few days ago and it's currently in the rebuilding process. So we had to make do. And by make do, I mean we had to rely on our ~1500 dvd discs physically sitting in the basement. How have we survived the week?
Wondering: How dedicating the month of Lent to reading, reviewing, and blogging counts? Isn't Lent supposed to be about giving something up, recognizing the sacrifice of the Hebrews under Egyptian rule? Apparently some book bloggers (I won't name who) have decided that reading and reviewing is a sacrifice... just another ridiculous "I fit religion to how I live my life" moment.
From Nature: We've been having very warm temperatures for being the end of February. I'm a little scared that this means we're going to have multiple late freezes or a drought this summer.
Shopping Scores: I've been planning our Spring Break road trip and so have been on the hunt for lap desks for the boys. I have a laptop desk, but it has ridges. J has a smooth one, but it's way too big for 9-year-old laps. I searched Amazon, but the bad pictures didn't give me an idea of relative size or ridge or no ridge. Amazingly enough, I found perfect flat with bean rests at Hobby Lobby. Search mission accomplished!
Project: Preparing my blog for March birthday madness. I have posts scheduled for every day in March on top of my usual memes and book reviews. I have just a little more to finish before it's completely ready.
On Friday I made myself a little list of weekend-to-do.
- Library crawl — I made it to the newly remodeled library. They have a much better adult fiction selection than the one I usually go to, but I didn't see a Young Adult section at all.
- Prep my huge collection of March posts —They are 90% done. I just need to add a bit of writing here and there and it will be done.
- Finish my Disney trip scrapbook — Nope, not done at all.
- Catch up on Downton Abbey — Nope
- Catch up on The Vampire Diaries — Nope
- Laundry/dishwashing/bathroom cleaning -- I did get all of the laundry and dishes done. The bathroom was Swiffered, but that's it. I think that's enough. We don't make huge messes, so it was just a bit of tidying up.