Time Read Today: 3 hours
Time Read Total: 11 hours 9 minutes
Pages Read Today: 276
Pages Read Total: 1247
Books Read Today: 1.3
Books Read Total: 6.3
Thoughts/Comments: I finished The Boys: Get Some and started Accidentally Dead. I'm only 60 pages into Accidentally Dead, so I haven't really decided what I feel about it yet. Slow reading day. Work was a big crazy (lots nd lots of meetings and people coming in) and I had a baby shower to attend after work. Tomorrow I have an all day training but get off work early. I plan on finished Dead and at least one more Boys volume.
Mini Challenge from The Book Retreat:
1. My mini challenge is for you to choose a character from a book you have read or are reading during this read-a-thon, and pick a Halloween costume for them. What would they want to dress up as for Halloween? A vampire? A superhero? A sexy pirate? Think about the character and what you think they would want to be if they were heading off to a Halloween party.1. Identify the character and the book they appear in.
2. Tell what kind of costume they'd choose.
3. Explain WHYyou chose that costume: What is is about the character that makes you think they'd want that type of costume?For an extra point toward winning the prize, share a picture you've found online that shows what you think the character would look like in their costume (or create your own picture if you're so inclined).You can only enter one character per book, but if you read multiple books during the read-a-thon, you can enter a character for each one you read.
My answers:
- Marty Andrews from The Accidental Werewolf would be a fairy princess. As she has now been turned into a werewolf, she misses her blond hair and pastel color wheel. She would want to be able to live that etheral beauty of a fairy princess at least for one day.
- Wee Hughie from The Boys would be a ninja. Hughie has just joined the band of superhero police. He's very innocent and insecure and having a hard time using his genetically altered strength and reflexes. If he could hide behind a ninja mask, I'm sure it would make him feel more confident.
- Angela from The Elephant Mountains would be an angel. Early in the book, Angela's entire life has been taken from her. She professes that everything that has happened is part of God's plan. If she dresses up for Halloween, it would be as an angel to show her devotion to God.
- Jack from Jack of Fables would definitely be a well-dressed gangster. He always wants money and power, but doesn't want to get them through legal means, so a gangster is perfect. And I could totally see him a pinstriped suit with fedora and cigar as accessories.