My Original Plan
Going for Fascinated Level (6 books). My choices for the Fantasy Reading Challenge (with any cross listings):
- The Dark Divine – Bree Despain (YA)
- Beautiful Creatures – Kami Garcia (A to Z: G)
- Evermore – Alyson Noel (TwentyEleven: It Wasn’t Me)
- Inkheart – Cornelia Funke (YA; A to Z: F)
- The Prestige – Christopher Priest (Pages to Screen)
- Archenemy – Frank Beddor (YA: TwentyEleven: Mind the Gap)
Completed Plan
I upped my challenge number to the Addicted Level (12 books) in May (I think). My final list:
- Archenemy – Frank Beddor (1/26/11)
- A Girl’s Guide to Vampires (Dark Ones novel) – Katie MacAlister (1/11/11)
- Heroes Vol. 1: The Graphic Novel (2/22/11)
- A Dirty Job – Christopher Moore (2/24/11)
- Heroes Vol. 2: The Graphic Novel (2/26/11)
- Fables: Legends in Exile – Bill Willingham (4/4/11)
- Fables: Animal Farm – Bill Willingham (4/12/11)
- The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance (4/14/11)
- No Rest for the Witches (4/22/11)
- The Iron King – Julie Kagawa (7/25/11)
- The Iron Knight – Julie Kagawa (8/16/11)
- This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer (8/18/11)
Of the ones I committed to the challenge, my favorite was
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. Had all the fantasy elements (death, monsters, vampires, angels, etc) but also make me laugh out loud. Awesome book!
My least favorite was the last book I read:
This World We Live by Susan Beth Pfeffer. It was just not a great book to end the trilogy. I was highly disappointed. Overall this was a fun challenge. Just because I'm finished doesn't mean that I won't keep reading fantasy. For that matter, I read other books this year that would fall under fantasy, but were committed to other challenges. I definitely read a lot of fantasy. Looking forward to next year's challenge. Maybe I'll commit myself to the Obsessed Level (20 books)!

P.S. I'm still planning on reading
- The Dark Divine
- Beautiful Creatures
- Evermore
- Inkheart
before this year ends...