I found these two awesome read-a-long events for August and just had to join. They're both rereads, but one's from my favorite author and the other is my favorite series.
First up from Bread Crumb Reads:
"Sense & Sensibility" Read-along in August!
How this Works The novel is divided into four parts. For each part there will be an update/discussion post every Thursday. Those who intend blogging, are welcome to. On the other hand, no one has to blog. There are no obligations of any kind. Simply read and have fun with others like you!^_^
Date for Read-along 1 August 2011 - 31 August 2011
Discussion Schedule (every Thursday):
- 11 August - discussion of Volume I
- 18 August - discussion of Volume II
- 25 August - discussion of Volume III
Note: Each volume is less than 150 pages each, in case you're wondering.;)
Second comes from
It's time to kick off the Harry Potter Read Along! If you haven't all ready, it's time to crack open our dusty old copies of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
It's time to kick off the Harry Potter Read Along!
To celebrate the first day of what is sure to be total awesomeness, I've decided we all need to be sorted. It's the very first thing Harry experiences, and I thought it should be fitting that we take the ride with him.

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
I figured I would either be a Griffindor or a Ravenclaw. I'm okay with this sorting.
Wish me luck on both read-a-longs!