From Pure Imagination (the details):
It's time to sign up for the second annual Once Upon a Readathon! This Readathon is hosted by Angela at Reading Angel, Candace at Candace's Book Blog and Lori at Pure Imagination. It runs from 12:01 am on July 11 to 11:59 on July 13th.
What you do: To participate in the Once Upon a Readathon enter into the linky so we can visit you! Then, from 12:01 am on July 11th to 11:59 pm on July 13th you read, read, and read some more! Make sure you do at least one update post (if you don't have a blog you may do this on facebook and/or twitter) and participate in at least one challenge. Be sure to grab the button for your sidebar too!
What you get: Many participants will receive prizes. We have swag packs as well as books for giveaway. These will go to random participants and we will list the winners on our blogs when the Readathon is finished. These prizes will be shipped from us, from authors, or from publishers. We do have some goodies for international participants as well! You are only eligible if you do at least one update post and participate in at least one challenge. We will check! All winners will be picked after the readathon is over.
Here's just some of the authors that are donating prizes: Wendy Delsol Jennifer Hubbard Kelly Keaton Jessi Kirby Carolyn MacCullough Lee Nichols Leila Sales Siobhan Vivian (...and that's just the beginning of the awesome prizes)
So it's been awhile since I did a Readathon. I thought July would be a nice time. I did make an overall goal for myself of at least one readathon a quarter. This one's quick, easy, and at the right time. Here are my goals:
- Read at least 5 books.
- Post once a day.
- Review all books read.
- Check in on and comment on at least 5 other participants.
Tentative reading list:
- Have Spacesuit Will Travel -- Robert Heinlein (Science Fiction)
- Ringworld -- Larry Niven (Science Fiction, 2011 With a Twist)
- A Matter of Class - Mary Balogh (Summer Romance Historical)
- Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card (Science Fiction, 2011 With a Twist)
- Brave New World - Aldous Huxley (2011 Back in the Day, A to Z Author X)