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The Water Witch by Juliet Dark

Title: The Water Witch (Fairwick Trilogy #2)

Author: Juliet Dark

Publisher: Ballantine Books 2013

Genre: Paranormal Fiction

Pages: 322

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Mount TBR

After casting out a dark spirit, Callie McFay, a professor of gothic literature, has at last restored a semblance of calm to her rambling Victorian house. But in the nearby thicket of the honeysuckle forest, and in the currents of the rushing Undine stream, more trouble is stirring. . . .
The enchanted town of Fairwick’s dazzling mix of mythical creatures has come under siege from the Grove: a sinister group of witches determined to banish the fey back to their ancestral land. With factions turning on one another, all are cruelly forced to take sides. Callie’s grandmother, a prominent Grove member, demands her granddaughter’s compliance, but half-witch/half-fey Callie can hardly betray her friends and colleagues at the college. To stave off disaster, Callie enlists Duncan Laird, an alluring seductive academic who cultivates her vast magical potential, but to what end? Deeply conflicted, Callie struggles to save her beloved Fairwick, dangerously pushing her extraordinary powers to the limit—risking all, even the needs of her own passionate heart.

The second volume in this series and I am getting slightly annoyed by Callie even though I do love the storyline. I am super absorbed in Fairwick's world and an super excited to see how all of this plays out over the course of the series. But... I must say that Callie can be a bit stupid. I pegged the incubus within the first 40 pages. And I was annoyed by how she responded to finding out who it was at the end of the book. One the other hand I'm super into following the bigger fight between the fey and the anti-fey witches. And now we have another player revealed. Must read the last book in the series. 

Fairwick Trilogy:

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