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The Night Country by Melissa Albert

Title: The Night Country (Hazel Wood #2)

Author: Melissa Albert

Publisher: Flatiron Books 2020

Genre: YA Fantasy

Pages: 352

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library

In The Night Country, Alice Proserpine dives back into a menacing, mesmerizing world of dark fairy tales and hidden doors of The Hazel Wood. Follow her and Ellery Finch as they learn The Hazel Wood was just the beginning, and that worlds die not with a whimper, but a bang.

With Finch’s help, Alice escaped the Hinterland and her reclusive grandmother’s dark legacy. Now she and the rest of the dregs of the fairy tale world have washed up in New York City, where Alice is trying to make a new, unmagical life. But something is stalking the Hinterland’s survivors—and she suspects their deaths may have a darker purpose. Meanwhile, in the winking out world of the Hinterland, Finch seeks his own adventure, and—if he can find it—a way back home...

Oh Yes! We finally get a followup to The Hazel Wood! I loved diving back into the world of the weird and the wonderful even if most of the story was set in New York City. I always gravitate to the slightly dark fantasy stories and this is no exception. Alice is good character, but I was really here for Ellery’s story. Oh so good! I’m glad we got answers to a lot of the questions posed in the first book. I look forward to next year’s release of Hinterland tales. It’s going to be oh so good!

Next up on the TBR pile: