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Snow & Rose by Emily Winfield Martin

Title: Snow & Rose

Author: Emily Winfield Martin

Publisher: Random House 2017

Genre: MG Fairytale Retelling

Pages: 213

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges

Snow and Rose didn’t know they were in a fairy tale. People never do. . .
Once, they lived in a big house with spectacular gardens and an army of servants.
Once, they had a father and mother who loved them more than the sun and moon.
But that was before their father disappeared into the woods and their mother disappeared into sorrow.
This is the story of two sisters and the enchanted woods that have been waiting for them to break a set of terrible spells.

I’m always up for a fairy tale retelling and this one was perfect. We get a nice retelling of the Snow White and Rose Red story set in a patch of uncanny woods. We get to see two young girls navigate their new life and the dangers outside the cabin. I loved the changes in the old tale coupled with the beautiful imagery. The small watercolors added delight to the story. I sped through this beautiful novel in an afternoon.

Next up on the TBR pile: