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Mythos by Stephen Fry

Title: Mythos: The Greek Myths Reimagined

Author: Stephen Fry

Publisher: Chronicle Books 2019

Genre: Mythology

Pages: 352

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library

Mythos is a modern collection of Greek myths, stylishly retold by legendary writer, actor, and comedian Stephen Fry. Fry transforms the adventures of Zeus and the Olympians into emotionally resonant and deeply funny stories, without losing any of their original wonder. This stunning book features classical artwork inspired by the myths, as well as learned notes from the author.

I’m a sucker for retold Greek and Roman myths. There’s something very comfortable about revisiting stories that I first learned as a child. This collection is pretty extensive, covering so many stories and legends in a loose chronological order. I especially loved the stories about the Titans and before. Fry’s trademark snark comes through in random asides and sentences throughout. I really enjoyed this one!

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