Q’s Monday ELA, Math, and History
What We Studied
We had two weeks full of activities and school coming before and after the boys’ birthday party. Some day we might have a quieter week, but fall is definitely not the season for it. Maybe November… For now, we will continue with our fast speed of study.
Q’s Wednesday Math, and ELA
A’s Wednesday ELA, Math, and Science
Literature and Poetry
Arthur finished reading Echo Mountain. I really enjoyed that book, and Arthur seemed to also enjoy it. The second week, we focused on Langston Hughes including his poetry and a historical fiction book. Beyond the actual literature, we are working on some basic grammar skills and starting our writing journey. He also continued his Super Secret Notebook from Blossom & Root.
Poetry for Young People: American Poetry
Poetry for Young People: African American Poetry
Reading Explorer: Intro
Echo Mountain by Lauren Wolk
Finding Langston by Lesa Cline-Ransome
That is My Dream by Langston Hughes and Daniel Miya
Langston’s Train Ride by Robert Burleigh
Visiting Langston by Willie Perdomo
The Negro Speaks of Rivers by Langston Hughes
I, Too, Am America by Langston Hughes
Sail Away by Langston Hughes
Coming Home: From the Life of Langston Hughes by Floyd Cooper
Quentin spent the school days reading book tied to his fall themes. We covered apples, fall, leaves, corn, and scarecrows. He also worked on some basic grammar.
Sing a Song of Seasons
Where I Live: Poems About My Home, My Street, and My Town
How Do Apples Grow? by Betsy Maestro
Applesauce Day by Lisa J. Amstutz
Bad Apple by Huw Lewis Jones
Apples for Little Fox by Ekaterina Trukhan
The Poisoned Apple by Anne Lambelet
Corn Aplenty by Dana Meachen Rau
A Questzalcoatl Tale of Corn by Marilyn Parke and Sharon Panik
Gimme Cracked Corn and I Will Share by Kevin O’Malley
Popcorn Country by Chris Peterson
From Kernel to Corn by Robin Nelson
The Story of Corn: It Starts with a Seed by Robin Nelson
Of Corn Silk and Black Braids by Vincent L. Johnson
Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington
It's Fall! by Renee Kurilla
The Scarecrow’s Dance by Jane Yolen
Scarecrows by Calvin Harris
The Scarecrow's Hat by Ken Brown
Samurai Scarecrow b Rubin Pingk
Hopefully the Scarecrow by Michelle Houts
Scarecrow Magic by Ed Masessa
Scarecrow by Cynthia Rylant
Arthur continued to dive into Singapore 5A. We are definitely going to slow down our math lessons a bit to make sure that Arthur achieves mastery. We also continued our next logic book.
Singapore Common Core 5A
Orbiting with Logic
Quentin continued working toward the end of Singapore 1B with a unit on math to 120. I’m still debating if we should take a small review break after finishing 1B and before beginning 2A. We also continued our logic book.
Lollipop Logic Book 3
Singapore Common Core 1B
Q’s Thursday ELA, Math, and Apple Unit
A’s Thursday ELA and Math
Social Studies
Arthur continued through the passage of time with a few weeks on topics such as the Pony Express, Transcontinental Express, and conflicts with the Native Americans.
DK American History
We were There Too! Young People in US History
Words that Build a Nation
Heart and Soul
Nat Geo Our Country’s Presidents
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
Red Cloud: A Lakota Story of War and Surrender by S.D. Nelson
Which Way to the Wild West by Steve Sheinkin
They're Off: The Story of the Pony Express by Cheryl Harness
In the Footsteps of Crazy Horse by Joseph M. Marshall III
Coolies by Yin
Quentin continued with Mesopotamia with a focus on stories. And then we did a mini introduction unit to Egypt with a focus on deserts.
History Quest Early Times
DK When on Earth?
Human Wold
DK History
DK Timelines of Everything
DK A Child Through Time
A History of Western Art
DK Science Year by Year
The Genius of the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages by Izzi Howell
Mesopotamia by Sunita Apte
Lugalbanda by Kathy Henderson
Lost Cities
DK Myths, Legends, and Sacred Stories
Gilgamesh the King by Ludmila Zeman
Destination Desert by Laura Perdew
Desert Song by Tony Johnston
The Sahara Desert: The Biggest Desert by Aileen Weintroub
Life in a Desert by Carol K. Lindeen
Desert Biome by Grace Hansen
How the Sphinx Got to the Museum by Jessie Hartland
Q’s Snail Unit
A’s Monday ELA, Math, and Langston Hughes Unit
Arthur explored more of the periodic table and atom basics. We also covered another chapter in our Story of Science all about Galileo.
RSO Chemistry
DK Super Simple Chemistry
Story of Science Vol. 2: Newton at the Center by Joy Hakim
DK The Elements
The Periodic Table of Elements by Jenny Karpelenia
Quentin covered units on Mollusca and echinoderms. I’m loving the slow progress through our main science text.
RSO Life
DK Oversimple Biology
Are You a Snail by Judy Allen
Slimy Snails by Laura Hamilton Waxman
Some of These are Snails by Carter Higgins
Snail Trail by Ruth Brown
How to Party Like a Snail by Naseem Hrab
Snail Crossing Corey R. Tabor
Wake Out, Snail! by Gay Hay and Margaret Tolland
The Rainbow Snail by Karin Akesson
Are You a Snail? by Judy Allen and Tudor Humphries
Snails are Just My Speed! by Kevin McCloskey
Big as a Giant Snail by Jess Keating
The Snail with the Right Heart by Maria Popova
Escargot by Pashka Slater
A Book for Escargot by Pashka Slater
Snail Mail by Samantha Berger
Q’s Monday Snail Unit, ELA, and Math
Apple Tasting
Arthur continued with his Art Mediums theme with two weeks of working with clay. He really really loved working with clay. Quentin’s class covered nocturnal animals with lots of fun games.
A’s Tuesday ELA, Math, and Langston Hughes Unit
Q’s Tuesday Math, ELA, and Corn Unit
And I continued not fitting in these subjects. I just could’t seem to get it to fit in our schedueles. I suspect this will be an issue until November, but hoping we can slide it in at least half of the weeks.
DK Music and How it Works
DK The Arts
Modern Art Adventures by Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw
13 American Artists Children Should Know
A Child's Introduction to Art
Women in Art by Rachel Ignotofsky
We are Artists by Kari Herbert
Q’s Desert Unit
Fossil Hunting
Field Trip
No field trip this week, but we did go to Vala’s twice. We’re hoping to get in three more Vala’s visits before Halloween.
The birthday party was amazing! The Art Party was a huge success and the kids seemed to have fun creating.
I’m definitely going to need another quiet home day soon.
Next Week
Starting our next read alouds
Finishing 1B for Math (Q) and taking the next lessons in 5A slowly (A)
Beginning Egypt for Q’s History
Completing the Transcontinental Railroad for A’s History
Covering more of the Periodic Table
Learning about insects
Next up on the TBR pile: