Homeschool W35: 14 Hours Outside Before It Gets Too Hot
What We Studied
We took advantage of the decent temps this week and spent 14 hours outside exploring. June is my month to enjoy the outdoors before I retreat back into the air conditioning. Unfortunately, next week we are getting a heat wave. At least we spent this week soaking up the sun.
Literature and Poetry
We finally finished reading through the entirety of The Chronicles of Narnia. I am glad to have read it, but man does Lewis get very heavy-handed toward the end of the series. Also, I’m still a bit confused as to the finer points of his theology.
The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
Another week of math games, puzzles, and review. Arthur finished his logic book last week and I didn’t want to start the next one until August. So it’s review and games for the summer.
Social Studies
Arthur’s slowing working through an introduction to economics packet I saved. it’s very light and breezy taking about 5 minutes a day to complete.
Arthur Independent Time
To allow for one-on-one time with Quentin, I have added an hour of independent work time for Arthur. Each week, he will have a mix of packet work (mostly grammar and math review), independent reading time, and special projects. Many of his projects will be aligned with our literature selections (some taken from B&R Language Arts curriculum) and history.
Q loves his BrainQuest pages
Science and STEAM Coop
No formal science, but our activities have all been about exploring nature this week so I’m counting it.
Impromptu science lesson about hail
None this week
Quentin “Look mom, I’m being a lion”
I have scheduled at least four 1-hour time blocks for one-on-one time with Quentin. I bought Blossom and Root’s Early Years Volume 2 curriculum to use as our base. I love the variety of activities and some of the bigger projects included.
The Bill Martin Jr. Big Book of Poetry
Rocket and the Perfect Pumpkin by Tad Hills (Q reads)
Drop It, Rocket by Tad Hills (Q reads)
Corduroy by Don Freeman
A Pocket for Corduroy by Don Freeman
Corduroy Lost and Found by Don Freeman
Corduroy Takes a Bow by Don Freeman
A Christmas Wish for Corduroy by Don Freeman
Chilling in the spotlight
Field Trip
We started the week off with a field trip to pick strawberries with all our coop friends. This activity was definitely better with friends and cooler temps than usual. We picked over 4 pounds of strawberries to take home and make into goodies!
Wednesday we spent 6 1/2 hours at the zoo. We walked around the entire outside portion, visited the desert dome, rode the train, splashed in the splash pad, and played at the playground. We got to see one of the baby elephants outside and visits Arthur the baby giraffe inside the barn. It was a good zoo day.
Thursday was park playdate morning. We didn’t spend a really long time at the park, but a bit of running around was needed.
Baby Giraffe Arthur
Documentary Selection
I have carved out a one hour time block each week to watch a documentary related to our studies.
We think baby elephant Sonny (could have been Eugenia)
Misc. Picture Books Read
Just Right Cat by Lori Haskins Houran
Storybots: The Best Christmas Gift
Berry picking! I look forward to it every year, but struggle through the heat. This year it was much cooler and we had all our friends to chat and play with. The boys loved getting away from me and picking near their friends instead. Such a good day!
Friday we all hit a wall and needed to take a bit of quiet time individually.
Q’s finally tall enough for this slide
Q “That was awesome!”
Next Week
Arthur is taking three camp class through Metro Community College. He will be learning about LEGO creations, roller coasters and robots, and food around the world.
Quentin and I will be spending some time together doing errands and going to the park before the temps hit 100 degrees.
Starting and finishing our next read aloud (it’s a short one)
Next up on the TBR pile: