What We Studied
We ended up taking it a bit easy this week. My body was in a lot of pain, so I eased off our workload. Instead, we spent more time with some easy activities.
Q’s ELA and Math
A’s ELA and Math
Literature and Poetry
Arthur covered another of Shakespeare’s play. We are continuing with a light study of the actual play with focus on the story and a good short experience with the language of the 17th century. We continued the first Reading Explorer book which focuses on reading comprehension. He also continued his Super Secret Notebook from Blossom & Root.
My America poem collection
Reading Explorer 1
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare
Quentin started the next read aloud. He also worked on his reading and comprehension skills.
Sing a Song of Seasons
Charlotte’s Web by EB White
Q’s History Unit
Q’s Science Unit
Arthur moved into looking at averages, line graphs, and plotting. We will definitely be finishing 5B by the end of this “school year.”
Singapore Common Core 5B
Orbiting with Logic
Quentin got back into Singapore with a unit on multiplication and division concepts. He then started on 2 and 3s.
Singapore Common Core 2A
Another park explored
Social Studies
Arthur stared on the Cold War with a large scale overview. We then moved onto the politics and Korean War.
DK American History
We were There Too! Young People in US History
Words that Build a Nation
Heart and Soul
Nat Geo Our Country’s Presidents
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
A Different Mirror for Young People
This is Our Land: A History of American Immigration
DK Timelines of Everything
DK History
Dwight D. Eisenhower by Mirella S. Miller
The Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Sook Nyul Choi
The Korean War by Andrew Santella
Quentin covered the second chapter about Ancient China. And we even watched a documentary. We’re still moving through our Ancient Times curriculum.
History Quest Early Times
DK When on Earth?
Human Wold
DK History
DK Timelines of Everything
DK A Child Through Time
A History of Western Art
DK Science Year by Year
DK Myths, Legends, and Sacred Stories
Find the Journeys Around the World by David Long
Ancient Worlds
A Journey Through Art by Aaron Rosen
Ancient China by Dale Anderson
D is for Dragon Dance by Ying Chang Compestine
20 Fun Facts About the Great Wall of China by Therese Shea
Great Wall of China by Kristine Spanier
DK Eyewitness Wonders of the World
We had a break week from chemistry class. Only three more Chemistry weeks to go for the year! We made sure to read more chapters in our Story of Science book.
RSO Chemistry
DK Super Simple Chemistry
Story of Science Vol. 2: Newton at the Center by Joy Hakim
DK The Elements
Quentin continued the Plant Kingdom section of his curriculum. We talked about seeds.
RSO Life
DK Trees, Leaves, Flowers & Seeds
A Seed Grows by Antoinette Portis
Seeds and Fruit by Melanie Waldron
Seeds We Eat by Katherine Rawson
Seeds by John Wood
Seeds by Carme Lemniscates
A Seed is the Start by Melissa Stewart
Seeds Move by Robin Page
Seeds by Grace Hansen
The Journey of Seeds by Soo-bok Choi
Sprout, Seed Sprout! by Annika Dunklee
A Seed in Need by Sam Godwin
Spring is Here! A Story About Seeds by Joan Holub
We had coop outdoors. Unfortunately the wind was incredibly high. It made things a bit complicated. Oh well, we survived. Arthur and Quentin both covered conservation.
No formal music or art this week. But we did slip in some documentaries. Arthur watched on about D-Day and underwater archaeology. Quentin watched one about Ancient Chinese chariots.
DK Music and How it Works
DK The Arts
DK Art and How It Works
Modern Art Adventures by Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw
13 American Artists Children Should Know
A Child's Introduction to Art
Women in Art by Rachel Ignotofsky
Iconic Composers by Nicholas Csicsko & Emi Ferguson
13 Art Movements Children Should Know
13 Artists Children Should Know
13 Modern Artists Children Should Know
The Story of Paintings by Mick Manning & Brita Granström
Why is Art Full of Naked People? by Susie Hodge
Field Trip
We took Wednesday off to hit up a park for the Omaha Parks Challenge. We spent some time there with friends. Afterwards, we moved over the Omaha Children’s Museum to use one of our GetOut Passes. The kids enjoyed their time, but I was reminded why we don’t go there often. I was very overstimulated by the time we left. We also got in a nature walk on Friday morning with some friends that we haven’t seen for awhile.
Moping (I think) and the newest baby elephant Hondo
Elephant baby backsides: Eugenia, Hondo, and Moping (I think)
After coop on Thursday, I didn’t feel like going home and doing schoolwork. So we decided to go to the zoo. I finally got to see the new baby elephant! We also visited the jungle, aquarium, and kingdoms of the night.
My body was very angry and created some issues for me. I am thankful for the flexibility of homeschooling to work around these issues.
Next Week
Continue Quentin’s read aloud
Reading a Shakespeare-inspired story for Arthur
Moving through the early Cold War years
Continuing our math units
Covering more chapters in the Story of Science
Learning more about the Byzantine Empire
Exploring more parts of the plant kingdom
Bringing back some art and music
Heron Haven exploration
Next up on the TBR pile: