What We Studied
We had a Flex Week (so needed this time around) and a normal week in the past two weeks. Beyond the actual teaching, I’ve been thinking about and planning for next year. Things are not going to radically change. I think we’ve hit onto a good system. Just needs some tweaks here and there.
Literature and Poetry
We picked up the next selection and thankfully it is so much better right away.
The Strangers by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Arthur tackled his first Shakespeare with A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We covered some about Shakespeare himself the time period he lived in before reading a few version of Midsummer. We worked up to the actual Shakespeare at the end of the week and capped off our study with a movie version. We also found some great videos including three episodes from Crash Course Theater specifically about Shakespeare’s plays. The plan is to cover one Shakespeare play a year from now on. Next year I’m planning on having him read a complete scene. Not sure which play yet though.
Nat Geo Book of Nature Poetry
Poetry for Young People: Emily Dickinson
Shakespeare’s Seasons by Miriam Weiner
William Shakespeare and the Globe by Aliki
Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare by Diane Stanley
Will's Words: How William Shakespeare Changed the Way You Talk by Jane Sutcliffe
William Shakespeare: Scenes from the Life of the World's Greatest Writer by Mick Manning and Brita Granstrom
A Midsummer Night's Dream retold by Georghia Ellinas
A Stage Full of Shakespeare Stories by Angela McAllister
Quentin focused on reading animal stories from around the world. I’m trying to line them up with our continents as we move across the world. We started the next in the Pooh series and will be sprinkling in the stories when we don’t have a country specific book. He also read me the entire Little Bear book. Getting much better as reading aloud!
Nat Geo Book of Animal Poetry
A World Full of Animal Stories by Angela McAllister
Around the World in 80 Days by Saviour Pirotta
The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne
Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik
Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring by Kenard Pak
Penny and Her Marble by Kevin Henkes
Penny and Her Sled by Kevin Hanks
Pasta Bridge - Their bridge collapsed almost immediately, but good try!
For both boys, we have scheduled math for three days a week. One day is focused on logic, games, puzzles, and special projects. The two other days are focused on covering the main math curriculum (Singapore 4A and 4B for Arthur and Singapore 1A and 1B for Quentin). Arthur ‘s been working on a review workbook before we move onto a Personal Finance unit. Quentin is moving through 1B now. Both boys finished their logic books this past week. We might take a break and pull out a games book instead of the next logic books.
Logic Liftoff (Arthur)
Kumon Geometry and Measurement Grade 4 WB
Lollipop Logic Book 2 (Quentin)
Singapore 1B
Social Studies
Arthur continued his large study of United States history using a combination of Build Your Library Level 5 and History Quest United States History. We covered Martin Van Buren, indigenous lives, and the Trail of Tears. Hard week to discuss, but so important.
A Kid’s Guide to Native American History by Yvonne Wakim Dennis
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
We were There Too by Philip Hoose
Words that Built a Nation
History Quest: U.S. History
A Different Mirror
DK American History Visual Encyclopedia
Heart and Soul: The Story of America and African Americans by Kadir Nelson
Nat Geo Our Country’s Presidents
What the Eagle Sees
A is for Abigail: F for First Ladies
Smart About the First Ladies
Quentin continued his study of the world with Build Your Library Level 0. We continued our study of Africa with a focus on West African nations.
Nat Geo Beginner’s World Atlas
DK Countries of the World
DK Children Just Like Me
DK Children Just Like Me: A School Like Mine
Africa is Not a Country by Margy Burns Knight and Mark Melnicove
Jaha and Jamil Went Down the Hill by Virginia Kroll
Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales
Ananse and the Lizard by Pat Cummings
The Hatseller and the Monkeys by Baba Wagué Diakité
Emmanuel's Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah by Laurie Ann Thompson & Sean Qualls
Arthur Independent Time
We are working on following a checklist in a planner for weekly independent work. There’s usually some math workbook pages, an ELA packet, weekly writing prompts (1-2 times a week), independent reading time, and a special creative project. There has been many drawing projects lately.
Arthur is focusing on Physics this year. We are covering the text and related videos at home and then joining friends for experiments and extra projects. Our joint science class was cancelled due to sickness with the other family. We’ll hopefully get back at it this week. We did read about engines and watch a great Modern Marvels episode about Engines.
RSO Physics
The Story of Science: Aristotle Leads the Way by Joy Hakim
The Way Things Work Now
Quentin will be focusing on animal science with BYL Level 0. We continued watching a new documentary series called Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom. It’s a behind the scenes look at caring for the animals at the park. Each episode is less than 30 minutes, so it’s a perfect length for Q.
Nat Geo Wild Animal Atlas
DK Animal
Lonely Planet: The Animal Book
The Tarantula in My Purse by Jean Craighead George
A Zeal of Zebras: Animal Groups on an African Safari by Alex Kuskowski
Safari, So Good! All About African Wildlife by Bonnie Worth
African Acrostics: A Word in Edgeways by Avis Harley
African Critters by Robert B. Haas
Elephants of Africa by Gail Gibbons
Nat Geo Kids Elephants by Avery Elizabeth Hurt
Rare sighting of the bobcat
The big kids have continued their engineering challenge making land sailboats and pasta bridges. Quentin did a study of time and seasons with a few fun little projects.
Land sail boats
We’re planning one doing on art project and one cooking project each week as well as picking a composer or musician to listen to and enjoy.
Field Trip
We took a coop trip to see The Stink Cheese Man at The Rose Theater. Very fun production! We had lots of laughs watching the show. And the school rate tickets are only $5 a piece!
We had a lovely Nature Explorers meeting at Chalco this past Friday. The kids got to explore the beach area by the water and the woods. We even walked the southwest portion around the lake. Not a great lake to walk in summer as there’s no shade, but it was great in March.
We tried to do a winter hike at Neale Woods two Fridays ago, but it was a terrible idea. It was a cold day, but that usually doesn’t stop us. I didn’t realize just how high up Neale Woods is on the bluffs. The wind chill was terrible! We bailed about 15 minutes in and went to the zoo instead. Unfortunately many of the districts had spring break so the zoo was packed. We still managed to see the desert, aquarium, giraffes, and elephants. In fact, the giraffes had a new baby and the elephants had a new baby just a few days after we were there. Can't wait to the see the babies next time we go.
Next Week
Starting a Midsummer Night’s Dream retelling novel
Playing some logic games
Hopefully covering engines for physics
Moving to Central Africa
Next up on the TBR pile: