What We Studied
Another week full of activities that impeded on our book work. We managed to find two mornings to focus on book work. In looking at the next week, we’re going to have the same thing happen. Oh well. Right now we’re all about the activities.
Quentin’s Math, ELA, and Spider Unit
Literature and Poetry
Arthur is all in with reading Tristan Strong Destroys the World. It’s number two in the series. B&R has the first book in its curriculum for grade 4, but we’ve already read it. So I’m just adapting. We are enjoying this sequel. Beyond the actual literature, we are working on some basic grammar skills and starting our writing journey. He also continued his Super Secret Notebook from Blossom & Root.
Poetry for Young People: American Poetry
Reading Explorer: Intro
Tristan Strong Destroys the World by Kwame Mbalia
Quentin read books about bats in honor of our coop themes and the time of the year. He also worked on some basic grammar.
Sing a Song of Seasons
Fairy Tales Collection
The Other Side of the Story
Mr. Bat Wants a Hat by Kitty Black
Amara and the Bats by Emma Reynolds
I Am Bat by Morag Hood
The Bat Book by Charlotte Milner
Bat Colonies by Karen Latchana Kenney
Bat Count by Anna Forrester
Bats Biggest! Littlest! by Sandra Markle
Bats in the Band by Brian Lies
Bats at the Ballgame by Brian Lies
Bats at the Library by Brian Lies
Good Night, Bat! Good Morning, Squirrel! by Paul Meisel
Little Bat in Night School by Brian Lies
It's Raining Bats and Frogs by Rebecca Colby
Chemistry Class
Arthur continued to dive into Singapore 5A. We are definitely going to slow down our math lessons a bit to make sure that Arthur achieves mastery. These past weeks, the units were very much a review of decimals and fractions. We also continued our next logic book.
Singapore Common Core 5A
Orbiting with Logic
Quentin continued with the Tinkeractive Math Book and worked through about a third of it this week. We’re all about review right now. I don’t anticipate starting Singapore 2A until January. We also continued our logic book.
Lollipop Logic Book 3
Tinkeractive Math Grade 1
Social Studies
Arthur covered the beginning of the immigration unit with a discussion of the waves before and right after the Civil War.
DK American History
We were There Too! Young People in US History
Words that Build a Nation
Heart and Soul
Nat Geo Our Country’s Presidents
An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
This is Our Land: A History of American Immigration
Prairie Lotus by Linda Sue Park
Quentin finished exploring Egypt. We focused on daily life and the myths and stories. Next week, we’ll move on to Mesoamerica. So much to learn and explore!
History Quest Early Times
DK When on Earth?
Human Wold
DK History
DK Timelines of Everything
DK A Child Through Time
A History of Western Art
DK Science Year by Year
DK Myths, Legends, and Sacred Stories
Ancient Worlds by Miranda Smith
Nat Geo Investigates: Ancient Egypt by Jill Rubalcaba
Egypt in Spectacular Cross Section
Ancient Egypt by Jinny Johnson
DK Eyewitness Ancient Egypt
Hieroglyphs by Joyce Milton
What Did the Ancient Egyptians Do for Me? by Patrick Catel
Tales of Ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green
Arthur learned about Periodic Groups this week. We did an experiment about the difference Sodium and Potassium.
RSO Chemistry
DK Super Simple Chemistry
Story of Science Vol. 2: Newton at the Center by Joy Hakim
DK The Elements
Quentin got back into RSO Life with a unit on Arthropods and specifically arachnids. Q really got into spiders!
RSO Life
DK Oversimple Biology
Are You a Spider by Judy Allen
Frank the Seven-Legged Spider by Michaele Razi
The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howl
Spiders! Strange and Wonderful by Laurence Pringle
The Eeensy Weensy Spider Freaks Out by Troy Cummings
Board Games at a Coffeehouse
Arthur continued his exploration of board games. By the end of the six weeks, the kids will have created their own board games. We learned about the elements of games and created a rough and dirty race-to-the-end game as an example. Quentin’s class finished their theme on government.
None this week. Maybe next week…
DK Music and How it Works
DK The Arts
Modern Art Adventures by Maja Pitamic and Jill Laidlaw
13 American Artists Children Should Know
A Child's Introduction to Art
Women in Art by Rachel Ignotofsky
We are Artists by Kari Herbert
Field Trip
We had a field trip planned for Tuesday, but it completely fell apart at the last minute. The boys and I pivoted and went to one of the new parks. We played for a few hours before continuing with our planned day.
On Wednesday, we got to participate in DoSpace’s STEM Day. The kids cycled through four different topics and projects through the morning. They learned about hydroponics, rockets, robots, and DNA. The logistics were a little messy, but we had a good time.
Making a board game at coop
We had a successful meeting with a new coop family coupled with the boys playing a few board games with their friend. We followed that up with a board game meet-up with some coop friends.
Quentin’s Math and Bats Unit
A friend started a Pokemon group. We went, but it was so draining for me. I know the boys had fun, but my goodness, I was so tired afterward. Hopefully this will get better as the kids really learned to play.
Quentin’s Egypt
Arthur’s ELA and Math
Next Week
Finishing Tristan Strong?
Covering more classic tales
Reviewing multiplying and dividing fractions (A)
Lots of math review (Q)
Move to Meosamerica for Q’s History
Moving into industrialization for A’s History
Covering more of the Periodic Table
Pokemon Club
Next up on the TBR pile: