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Hollowmen by Amanda Hocking

Title: Hollowmen (The Hollows #2)

Author: Amanda Hocking

Publisher: Createspace 2011

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 363

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Ebook

After six months in the quarantine, Remy finds out things are much worse than she feared. Her plans to escape come with a heavy cost, and she realizes that zombies aren't the worst of her problems.

I snatched up this ebook after finishing the first book earlier this month. And I was disappointed… I was hoping for good zombie romp with a fun and strong heroine. Instead, we get one too many coincidences and little zombie action. I just didn’t like Remy at all in this book. And Max was a wet blanket. And argh! I hated the deaths in this book. It just didn’t bring me much joy to read this one at all.

The Hollows

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