Wading Through...

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Currently #5

Reading: Picked up Symbiont by Mira Grant (Parasitology #2) and am flying through it!

Watching: J turned me on to What Would Diplo Do? and it is glorious. So sad that there was only five episodes. Hope it gets picked up for another season.

Listening: I downloaded and have been binging Nothing More's The Stories We Tell Ourselves. Love love love this album and keep coming back to it.

Making: My online community is obsessed with Smitten Kitchen's Summer Strawberry Cake. We love it so much that it's become #teamcake. I've been making my own and recently experimented with peaches instead of strawberries. So good! 

Feeling: The last few weeks have been difficult. This week has been a bit better. 

Planning: The in-laws are coming next week for a visit. And if you know me at all, you know that I love planning and scheduling. I'm putting the finishing touches on our plans next week. 

Loving: Arthur and Quentin have been spending most afternoons in the backyard running around and playing with their toys. I've been taking a few minutes to sit and watch, play with them, and/or read a chapter in my book.

Next up on the TBR pile: