Title: Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries #2)
Author: Martha Wells
Publisher: Tor.com 2018
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 149
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Ebook
It has a dark past—one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen itself “Murderbot”. But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more.
Teaming up with a Research Transport vessel named ART (you don’t want to know what the “A” stands for), Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue.
What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks…
I’m again loving the Muderbot’s narration of space adventures. We get a bit more of the overreaching storyline, but mainly focus on an encounter with a collective and a devious company agent. I can’t wait to see what happens next. I hope we get more ART in future books and more of Murderbot attempting to pass for human. Very entertaining!
Murderbot Diaries:
#2 Artificial Condition
#3 Rogue Protocol
#4 Exit Strategy
#5 Network Effect
#6 Fugitive Telemetry
Next up on the TBR pile: