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And the Rest is History by Jodi Taylor

Title: And the Rest is History (The Chronicles of St. Mary’s #8) 

Author: Jodi Taylor

Publisher: Accent Press 2017

Genre: Science Fiction

Pages: 376

Stars: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Finishing the Series; Ebook; Seasonal Series - Gifted to Me

No one knows quite how, but Max and her baby are safe at last. No one knows quite how, but  Peterson has persuaded Dr Foster to marry him. No one knows quite how, but Markham's marital status remains unknown. Certainly no one knows quite how a twelve-foot-high teapot has mysteriously materialised on the South Lawn, but it has. But they do know that Clive Ronan is back. They do know that he hates them and that this time he has good cause. And they do know that he will bring death and destruction in his wake. Follow the disaster magnets of St Mary's from the Egyptian desert to the Battle of Stamford Bridge, and from Hastings to the Sack of Constantinople...

Oh my. This volume killed me, seriously killed me. I was devastated in the middle of the book and then even more devastated by the end. But don’t let that statement make you think that I didn’t like this book. I loved every single page of it. I have come to really feel like the characters of St. Mary’s are part of my friend circle. Plus this volume sees the historians finally visiting Hastings in 1066. Woohoo!

P.S. I also read the super short (i.e. 4 page) short story Desiccated Water featuring a science experiment gone wrong. And I read the other super short (i.e. 7 page) short story Markham and the Anal Probing right after reading this book. Oh so much fun!

The Chronicles of St. Mary’s:

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