As it isn't the 26th yet, I haven't taken his 7 month photos. Enjoy these others from the past two weeks instead...
Likes: Sophie the Giraffe (his current favorite toy); all of Arthur's cars; grabbing my hair; all the foods!; his blankies
Dislikes: Nap time; not being paid attention to; not being able to crawl forward and grab his toys
He really liked the pattern on my pants...
Sleeping: Doing decently with night time sleeping. He usually sleeps 8pm to 6am with maybe one wake up. Nap times are still a joke. If we're out and doing things, he usually naps. At home, naps are practically nonexistent. Some days it would be really helpful if he napped even once.
Eating: All the things! He has loved most food that we give him. His current favorites are roasted sweet potato, strawberries, baby mum-mums, and hard boiled eggs. Since we do baby led weaning, he pretty much eats whatever we are eating for dinner. I don't give him super spicy food, but he does get a bit of flavor spice on things. On Saturday we had dinner at a friends house and discovered that Quentin loves mango chutney!
Watching Arthur "dance"
Playing: So much play in this house! He is very interactive with his toys now. He also loves "playing" with Arthur.
- Playing peek-a-boo — Somewhat. He laughs when I do peek-a-boo, but don't think he really understands quite yet.
- Smiling or waving at people in public — Smiling yes, waving no.
- Frustration when not able to get somewhere on his own — Oh yes! So much of this! He wants to get everywhere, but hasn't quite figured out the crawling thing yet.
- Preference of one parent — Yep. Q always wants to be with momma.
- Faster and more coordinated crawling — Not quite yet. He can roll and scoot around, but actually crawling hasn't happened yet.
- Preference for certain foods — He loves sweet potatoes, hardboiled eggs, and strawberries. He likes other foods, but if any of those are on his plate, he gobbles them up first.
- Fascinated by his reflection — Yep! Loves playing with his mirror.
- Developing a sense of empathy — Hmmm... this one is really hard to judge.
Out and About: In the past two weeks we've been to a ton of events and places.
- Happy Hollow -- Q loved the anteater and watching kiddos on the rides. He also got to get out of the stroller and ride Danny the Dragon and play with his friend E.
- MVPA Spring Social -- Lots of playing with the other babies and eating tons of food!
- Book club -- He usually goes with me to La Tartine for book club. This time he ate tons of eggs, hash browns, and toast and tried to steal Z's socks.
- Playdate at our house -- We hosted a playdate that ended up being only one other mom and her kiddos, but it was still fun. Q had a more exposure to other children.
- Lots of errands -- The usual...
- Dinner at a friend's house -- The hosts don't have kids, but the other family that came have a 6 yo, a 4 yo, and a 10 month old. Q is as big as the 10 month old! They had fun watching the big kiddos play and eating Indian food!
Next up on the TBR pile!