Simply Unforgettable by Mary Balogh
Title: Simply Unforgettable (SImply #1)
Author: Mary Balogh
Publisher: Bantam Dell 2005
Genre: Historical Romance
Pages: 422
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Mount TBR; Popsugar --Author from a country I haven't visited
New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh returns to the seductive world she knows so well–Regency England–in a new novel filled with her trademark wit, sensuality, and breathtaking storytelling. With this, the first in a dazzling new quartet of novels, Balogh invites us into a special world–a select academy for young ladies– a world of innocence and temptation. Drawing us into the lives of four women, teachers at Miss Martin’s School for Girls, Balogh introduces this novel’s marvelous heroine: music teacher Frances Allard–and the man who seduces her with a passion no woman could possibly forget.…
A little fluffy romance was exactly what I needed this week! I was a little wary of the story based on the first three chapters. Thankfully the characters and storyline improved quickly. I really came to love Lucius and Frances. They are such a great pair. And the side characters were amazing, especially the Earl and Amy. Definitely a good start to a series. I an't wait to start the next book...
Simply Quartet:
- #1 Simply Unforgettable
- #2 Simply Love
- #3 Simply Magic
- #4 Simply Perfect
Next up on the TBR pile: