Likes: All his toys, playing with big brother, snuggles. being outside
Hello gorgeous!
Working on our tummy time
Dislikes: Naps, being left alone (even for a few moments), not eating right this second!
Not sleepy at all...
Play time
Sleeping: Q's been sleeping through the night most nights. He goes down around 8:30 or 9:00pm and sleeps until 6:00am. I'll take it! If he does wake up, he usually just wants his pacifier or diaper changed.
Playing peekaboo
At Janine's sprinkle
Eating: Slamming the 6 ounce bottles with ease. He's been eyeing my food lately, but we're trying to hold off until he gets a tooth or two and we can start baby led weaning.
Not too sure about this thing
That eyebrow though...
Playing: He's starting to actually play with his toys. His favorites are the little book (picture above), the taggie blanket with monster, the robot teether, and the wire ball. I also pulled out the exersaucer, but he doesn't know what to do with it yet. Maybe next week.
Sitting with big brother
At the Valentine's Exchange
Milestones: Q's a rolling over expert now! And he's been scooting around while on the floor. We're working on sitting up but he still pitches himself forward.
Ready for my close-up
Almost as big as buddy M
Schedule: Still haven't figured out daytime naps yet. Makes momma kinda crazy some days.
Lunch time
Out and About: We went to a few places in the past two weeks.
- Bay Area Discovery Museum -- We love that place so much! It's just a bit of a drive to get there. Can't wait to go again soon.
- Janine's Baby Shower -- We had a lovely baby sprinkle at the park on Saturday morning.
- Stamp Club -- After the sprinkle, we headed over to Campbell for stamp club. Q did so well hanging out.
- Valentine's Exchange -- Our parent group had our annual Valentine's Exchange party on Thursday. It was a crazy party full of running toddlers, but we all had fun. Afterward, we had lunch with some friends while mom made rally signs for the Planned Parenthood rally on Saturday.
Contemplating eating Mickey's face (he did)