Likes: Snuggles; chewing his blankies; bath time
Dislikes: Rain and cold; Arthur getting too close to his face
Selfie with mom at the play place (it was raining outside)
Sleeping: We settled into a decent routine of bedtime at 9:30ish. Sleeps until at least 1:30am, but usually more like 3:30am. Wakes up to eat and goes back down for 3-5 hours. Daytime naps are sometimes nonexistent, but here's to hoping we settle in to something soon.
Eating: Consistent with 6 ounce bottles lately
Watching big brother
Playing: Q has recently started playing with his toys. Mostly he grabs things and tries to eat them, but it's a start. He's also gotten interested in "reading" his little books, especially the one pictured above. The one page is crinkly and he can chew on the book itself. I am hoping to clean the jumper this week and introduce him to the big toys. (It's in the garage and a bit dusty from being stored out there for almost two years.)
Doctor Visit Stats: Q's four month doctor's appointment isn't until Jan. 30th, but we made a visit on Thursday. Everyone in the house has had a nasty cold and I was concerned that the baby was developing bronchitis or RSV or something of the like. He was very wheezy at night. I took him in, doctor checked him out, and he was diagnosed with a mild case of the croup. Nothing super major and nothing that needs antibiotics. So far, he's slowly getting better... On a side note, they weighed him and Q is now 16 pounds!
Baby in motion!
Milestones: Rolling from back to tummy. He can probably roll the other way, but hates tummy time with a fiery passion. He's also started moving around in a circle while on the floor. He's never in the same place as I put him.
Schedule: Eh. Other than bedtime, we don't really have one.
I put him on the mat facing the other way
Out and About: The rain has discouraged our outings. It's just too crazy to attempt to get a toddler and and baby in and out of our tiny 2 door mini cooper in the rain. We did get out to the grocery store earlier this week and a visit to the indoor play place on Thursday. Q went with mom to book club in Redwood City on Sunday. He got to visit with Miss Janine and Miss Amanda and baby Esha. We have an actual outing planned next Thursday to the Bay Area Discovery Museum. Here's hoping it doesn't rain.
Joy! (moving in a circle)