Wading Through...

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Quentin: 1 Week

Likes: Snuggles, being swaddled, Arthur

Dislikes: Diaper changes, being cold

Sleeping: So far Quentin seems be a good a sleeper. He's pretty easy to get back to sleep after a feeding if I use the swaddle. Funny seeing as Arthur hated being swaddled and would scream until we took it off. Q loves being a baby burrito. I wish he would go to sleep a little faster after those middle of the night feedings, but otherwise I'll take it.

Eating: I again attempted to breast feed, but excruciating pain put an end to that pretty quickly. Instead, I am pumping and supplementing with formula. Q is now completely bottle fed. Once his stomach adjusted to food, his spit up volume has decreased dramatically.

Playing: Obviously no playing yet, but Q does love watching Arthur play.

Doctor Visit Stats: Unfortunately we have already been to the newborn care center twice since being discharged. Thankfully we have been cleared and don't have to go back to the doctor until his 2 week appointment on the 11th. Q ended up losing 11% of his initial birth weight necessitating those doctor visits. With the start of supplementing with formula, we are back on track.

Birth weight (9/26): 8lbs 4oz

Discharge weight (9/28): 7lbs 14oz

Thursday weight (9/29): 7lbs 6oz

Friday weight (9/30): 7lbs 7 oz -- back to gaining weight!

Milestones: We made it one week! Woohoo! And Q had his first bath. Really a sponge bath as his cord stump hadn't of fallen off as of yesterday afternoon (although it's really close). He screamed until I wrapped him in a towel. Not a big surprise. Arthur screamed through his first one also.

Schedule: No set schedule as of yet. Q eats, sleeps, and wakes whenever he wants. I'm starting to see some pattern with about 3 hours between feedings. However he has went through a few cluster feed periods.

My Recovery: Recovery is going much more faster and smoother this time around. The hospital has been offering a new pain management system after c-sections involving Tordal and IV Tylenol. Whether it was the different drugs or something completely different, I was up and moving a lot sooner this time around. One week out, I'm still taking my Motrin, but have moved away from Percocet. My energy and stamina has been increasing over the week. I'm hoping to be off my pain meds and be able to get out of the house soon.