Wading Through...

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Arthur: 15 Months

Arthur's officially a toddler! Full of new skills, discoveries, and even tantrums. It's been a crazy month. We started the month in Indiana and ended it back in California, but we had some fun along the way.

Likes: All the food, being independent, friends, dogs

DislikesThe cold, waiting for anything, green beans

Sleeping: While in Indiana, Arthur often slept with me. Of course I didn't want that to continue once back in California. We've had a few rough nights, but we seem to be getting back onto a more normal schedule.

Eating: All the things!  Well, almost all the things. He's not huge on green beans and most meat. Overall he seems to eat almost everything and I am very grateful for that. We can go and eat almost anywhere.

Playing: I love watching Arthur interact with all his friends. It's amazing to see their development. They don't always share and sometimes get a bit handsy, but they are so cute to watch.

Schedule:We're still figuring out our weekly schedule back in California. It's an ongoing issue.

Out and About: While in Indiana we rarely went anywhere. It was just too damn cold. Since being back, we've already hit the Children's Museum and Shoreline. Plus we hosted preschool at our new house.  And we have explored part of our new area including two different Targets, Michaels, and a new park. We will definitely be doing some more exploring of our area. I'm sure we will be back to that park soon.