For this year's reading challenges, I decided to do something very different and drastic. I am going to read women authors. I feel like I've been neglecting all those wonderful female authors sitting on my shelves. I will be tailoring my challenge participation to account for this overall goal. I do have a few exceptions. I may read a male author if 1) I've already started the series and desperately want to finish it (i.e. Song of Ice and Fire) 2) It is a book club selection (out of my hands) or 3) If it is a male author writing nonfiction specifically about a women subject (e.g. a biography of Kate Chopin). Other than those three exceptions, I want to discover some wonderful women authors.
From Book Dragon's Lair:
There are a number of levels, for those who don't have a library card yet to those that live there. Enjoy!Requirements:
- choose a level - you may move up as needed, just not down.
- read books you checked out of the library
- books may overlap with other challenges
- any format allowed (print, ebook, audio)
- reviews are not necessary but a list of books read is. (post with review linky is coming in January)
- a blog is not necessary, just comment that you want to join in or link up another way
- board book - 3
- picture book - 6
- early reader - 9
- chapter book - 12
- middle grades - 18
- Young adult - 24
- adult - 36
This year I'm going for the Chapter Book level of 12 books. Even though I'm trying to focus on reading my own books, I know there will be come I want from the library.

From Annette's Book Spot:
Challenge Guidelines:
This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2015 – Dec 31, 2015.
Anyone can join, you don’t need to be a blogger. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to sign-up in the comments. You can post reviews to any book site (i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, Goodreads, etc).
Any genre or length of book counts, as long as it is in ebook format.
You can plan your books in advance or as you read them.
When you sign up in the linky, put the direct link to your post about joining the E-Book Reading Challenge.
Sign-ups will be open throughout 2015, so feel free to join at any time during the year.
1. Bits – 5 ebooks 2. Bytes – 10 ebooks 3. Megabytes – 25 ebooks 4. Gigabytes – 50 ebooks 5. Terabytes – 75 ebooks 6. Empty the Cloud – 100 ebooks
At the beginning of each month there will be a roundup post for you to add your reviews for that month. The linky will remain open for the remainder of the year, so if you forget, feel free go back and add them when you remember.
I'm going for the Megabytes level of 25 books this year.

From The Book Vixen:
This challenge was originally created and hosted by Missie at The Unread Reader, then co-hosted with Kelly at Reading the Paranormal and Amanda at On a Book Bender, and is now hosted by The Book Vixen. Even though the name of the challenge has changed, the goal remains the same: read those freebies!
Reading Challenge Details:
- Runs January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 (ebooks read prior to 1/1/2015 do not count towards the challenge). You can join anytime before 9/30/2015. Sign up on The Book Vixen’s blog.
- The goal is to read at least twelve (12) free ebooks. While twelve is the minimum, there is no maximum limit. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you. You can move up a level as often as you’d like but no moving down. Remember, the idea is to challenge yourself.
- This reading challenge is for LEGALLY obtained FREE ebooks. We do not condone ebook piracy. These can be ebooks offered through bigger sites, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or smaller sites, such as Smashwords and All Romance Ebooks. Ebooks offered through author or publisher websites are acceptable as well, provided they are available free to everyone at the time of download.
- Only ebooks and audiobooks that were available free, in a legal manner, to the public will count towards this challenge. eARCs, library books, ebooks free through Amazon Prime/Kindle Unlimited, and/or books won or gifted are not eligible for this challenge.
- Any ebook format will work for this challenge (azw, EPUB, iBooks, mobi, PDF, etc.). You DO NOT need to have an ereader to participate in this challenge. You can read ebooks using Amazon’sFree Kindle Reading Apps, which you can download for your iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, Blackberry and more. Free audiobooks also count towards this challenge provided they are free to the public. They can't be free as a condition of signing up for a service and they can't be provided by the publisher for review.
- Ebooks can be any genre (fiction, nonfiction, romance, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, etc.).
- Crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed, however, re-reads are not eligible for this challenge. The goal is to read the freebies you’ve legally acquired so that they are off your TBR pile.
- To join this challenge, grab the 2015 Read Your Freebies! Reading Challenge button below and post this reading challenge on your blog to track your progress. Please include a link back to this sign-up post so others can join the reading challenge too. You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads, LibraryThing, BookLikes, etc., so as long as you have a dedicated shelf for the 2015 Read Your Freebies! Reading Challenge and your profile is not private. The point of linking up is to have a place where people can see what you’re reading.
- Coupon Clipper: read 12 ebooks
- Penny Pincher: read 24 ebooks
- Buying in Bulk: read 36 ebooks
- Super Saver: read 50 ebooks
- Extreme Couponer: read 100+ ebooks
I'm doing this one again. Going for the coupon clipper level of 12 ebooks.