Wading Through...

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Arthur: 9 Months / 39 Weeks

After more sleepless nights and days, I think we are starting to get back on track.

Likes: Food, food, and more food! Stealing mom's bagel. Snuggles in the morning.


Sleeping: Another week with the amazing non-sleeping child.  He has gone multiple days with either no nap or a 20 minute nap.  I can't understand how he's still functioning.  Nighttime sleeping isn't much better.  He refuses to be put in his crib while awake after months and months of it being okay. He wakes up at least once a night (usually twice).  And he still wakes up to play at 6-6:30am.  Ugh! Mom is not liking this at all.

Eating: Everything in sight!  We've completely cut out purees (yeah!) and moved onto eating whatever the family is eating.  The other day he really enjoyed beef stroganoff, kolaches, and grandma's potato salad.

Playing: Loving anything that makes noise: tambourines, maracas, drums.  I think I need to get him some more musical instruments.

Medical Milestones: We don't have our doctor's appointment until next Tuesday.  I'll have definite stats posted then.

  • Understands his name and common gestures -- Check!  Although I think "come here" is an invitation to a chasing game instead of a command.
  • Clapping and/or "dancing" to music -- No clapping yet, but I have caught him "dancing" to certain music.  He especially loves the Star Trek theme music.  Very adorable.
  • Standing alone -- More and more I'm catching him standing by himself.  No independent steps yet.  He even went from a seated position to standing by himself with no help from mom or furniture twice at the summer social.  He was trying to get food when it happened.  Obviously food is a big motivator.
  • Drinking from a cup -- Sorta check.  He getting the sippy cup thing down.  He's even occasionally had a drink from an open cup without too much spilling (me holding it of course).  But he's not proficient at either.  I want to try a straw cup next and see what he does...
  • Rolling a ball -- He very recently started attempting this.  I think because he saw his friends rolling and throwing balls at playdates.  We'll continue working on this.
  • Sitting at table for mealtimes -- Check!  We've been doing this for about two months now.  He sits in his booster high chair right next to me at lunch and dinner.  He's eating habits have improved with having him there.  I think he likes seeing what I'm eating and realizing that it's what he's eating.

Schedule:Ha ha!  I wish!

Out and About: Another week of regular activities (Deer Hollow and Blanket Babies) mixed with a visit to Great America, to Dianna's for board meeting (and baby playdate), and the summer social on Saturday.  We stayed home on Sunday and it was a good thing.  Everyone was played out! The twins have this week and next left in summer vacation, so we'll be hitting Great America and Golfland each one more time and definitely the comic book store and possibly another museum of activity spot.