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The Zombie Whisperer by Jesse Petersen

Title: The Zombie Whisperer (Living with the Dead #4)

Author: Jesse Petersen

Publisher: IGLA 2013

Genre: Zombie

Pages: 174

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Ebook; Seriously Series; Lucky 14 - (Not So) Fresh from the Oven; 52 Books - W13

Once a zombie, always a zombie?

Dave and Sarah are pretty happy in the Middle-of-Nowhere, Montana. They’ve done their part in saving the world (kind of) and now they’re settling in for a long life of killing straggler zombies. Well, they think that’s what they’re doing until a helicopter lands on their front lawn with old friends Nicole Nessing and Robbie “The Kid” on board. They propose a dangerous plan: Dave and Sarah must return to Seattle and use Dave’s Superpowers to help with the final stages of a formula that will not only wipe out most of the zombies, but innocluate humans against the virus.

Going back to Seattle was never in the plan. Especially since Sarah has a few secrets of her own that could change her marriage, increase the danger they’re facing and even alter the future they’re so desperately trying to save.

A fitting end to the series, but it felt a bit rushed.  I would have like a bit more drawn out storyline and action.  Maybe a bit more character development.  It felt a little odd to see all the old characters in one place, but of course it's all a plot device.  I did like the idea of returning to the scene of the crime, so to speak.  And the big surprise... guessed it in about the first 5 pages.  Overall, I still love traveling the zombie filled west with David and Sarah.  I was just wishing for a little more something to give them a proper send-off.

Living with the Dead