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In the Company of Secrets by Judith Miller

First book of 2014... Let's get this party started!

Title: In the Company of Secrets (Postcards from Pullman #1)

Author: Judith Miller

Publisher: Bethany House 2007

Genre: Christian fiction

Pages: 386

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Monthly Key Word - Secrets; ebook; Women Authors; 52 Books -- W1; Read Your Freebies

The truth could cost her everything....

Olivia Mott didn't intend to lie. Somehow, it just happened. And wasn't it all Lady Charlotte's fault anyway?

Now Olivia's position as assistant chef at Pullman's elegant Hotel Florence is dependent upon her keeping her secrets. And sometimes lies have a way of leading to other lies. Should Olivia admit her real past and accept the consequences or keep quiet in order to preserve her comfortable new circumstances?

Deception seems to be part of everyday life in the company town of Pullman, Illinois, where the grand Pullman Palace Car is manufactured. Samuel Howard, Olivia's friend and the town manager, seems to think everything is fine, but Olivia observes something quite different. Could it be that Olivia is not the only one harboring secrets?

Hmmm... This is one of those free books that I happened to pick up on Kindle.  So glad I did not actually pay for this book. I was thoroughly bored the entire time I was reading.   The characters are not very entertaining.  The plotline is very predictable.  The sermons are seemingly out of place and awkward.  The ending is a complete "cliffhanger" but we all know how the story will end.  I can't believe I actually finished this one, but I did.  So, first book of the year completed.  Not starting on a high note.  Hope things get better...

Postcards from Pullman (DNFed series)

  1. In the Company of Secrets
  2. Whisper Along the Rails
  3. An Uncertain Dream