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November's TBR Pile Recap:
Books Read and Reviewed (9/13 books)
- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
- The Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne
- The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry
- Lady Elizabeth by Alison Weir
- Love and Friendship by Jane Austen
- Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
- Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
- Tanglefoot by Cherie Priest
- 100 Days in Deadland by Rachel Aukes
- Saving Wishes by GJ Walker-Smith
- The Watsons by Jane Austen
- Jane Austen and the Unplesantness at Scargrave Manor by Stephanie Barron
- Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh
1,000,000 Page Goal
Monthly Total: 3606 pages
Pages Remaining: 838,328 pages
Current Read - Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Books Won (0)
Books I Gave Up On (0)
Challenges Completed
- Romance Challenge -- Five romance books down. Not the best selection, but fairly entertaining.
- Eclectic Challenge -- Twelve different classifications. The only one that gave me any trouble was the last category for me to read: new adult. Finished and done.
- Zombie Challenge -- Only six zombie books this year, but I do always love some zombie...
- Witches and Witchcraft -- An interesting collection of books.
- Blogger Recommendations -- Ten interesting books recommended by other book bloggers. Found some gems in here...
- Graphic Novel -- Another successful year of comics and graphic novels. I can't wait to see what I discover next year.
Comments - A decent reading month, but I ended up reading a lot of books that weren't on my original list. I've got an ambitious list for December. I highly doubt I will get to all 12 books, but I'm certainly going to try.
December's TBR Pile:
- Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
- The Road by Cormac McCarthy
- Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray
- Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
- Tanglefoot by Cherie Priest
- Universal Rights Down to Earth by Richard Thompson Ford
- Flip! for Decorating by Elizabeth Mayhew
- Final Jeopardy by Stephen Baker
- Creative Pilgrimage by Jenny Doh
- Lady Elizabeth by Alison Weir
- 1984 by George Orwell
- The Children of Men by PD James